Saturday, June 21, 2008

Scope of Nursing Licensure Examination (Professional Regulation Commission Board of Nursing) Nursing Practice 3, 4, and 5

Test Description: Theories, concepts, principles and processes in the care of clients with altered health patterns, utilizing the nursing process and integrating the key areas of nursing competencies.

Test Scope:
I. Safe and Quality Care, Health Education, Management of Environment and Resources and Quality Improvement

a. Client in Pain
b. Peri-operative Care
c. Alterations in Human Functioning
1. Disturbances in Oxygenation
2. Disturbances in Metabolic and Endocrine Functioning
3. Disturbances in Elimination

a. Alterations in Human Functioning
1. Disturbances in Fluids and Electrolytes
2. Inflammatory and Infectious Disturbances
3. Disturbances in Immunologic Functioning
4. Disturbances in Cellular Functioning
b. Client in Biologic Crisis
c. Emergency and Disaster Nursing


a. Disturbances in Perception and Coordination
1. Neurologic disorders
2. Sensory disorders
3. Musculo-skeletal disorders
4. Degenerative disorders
b. Maladaptive Patterns of Behavior
1. Anxiety Response and anxiety related disorders
2. Psycho physiologic responses, somatoform, and sleep disorders
3. Abuse and Violence
4. Emotional responses and mood disorders
5. Schizophrenia and other psychotic and mood disorders
6. Social responses and personality disorders
7. Substance related disorders
8. Eating disorders
9. Sexual disorders
10. Emotional disorders of infants, children and adolescents

II. Personal and Professional Development

a. Nurse-Client Relationship
b. Continuing Education

Scope of Nursing Licensure Examination (Professional Regulation Commission Board of Nursing) Nursing Practice 2


Test Description: Theories, concepts, principles and processes in the care of individuals, families, groups and communities to promote health and prevent illness, and alleviate pain and discomfort, utilizing the nursing process as framework. This includes care of high-risk and at-risk mothers, children and families during the various stages of life cycle.

Test Scope:
Comment: These topics can be found in DOH textbooks either from 9th edition (Community Health Nursing in the Philippines) or 10th editio (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines)

Part I : CHN - Community Health Nursing
I. Safe and Quality Care, Health education and Communication, Collaboration and Teamwork
a. Principles and standards of CHN
b. Levels of care
c. Types of clientele
d. Health care delivery system
e. PHC as a strategy
f. Family-based nursing services (Family Health Nursing Process)
g. Population group-based Nursing Services
h. Community-based Nursing Services / Community Health Nursing Process
i. Community organizing
j. Public health programs

II. Research and Quality Improvement

a. Research in the community
b. National Health Situation
c. Vital Statistics
d. Epidemiology
e. Demography

III. Management of Resources and Environment and Records Management
a. Field Health Services and Information System
b. Target-setting
c. Environmental Sanitation

IV. Ethico-Moral-Legal Responsibility
a. Socio-cultural values, beliefs and practices of individuals, families, groups and communities
b. Code of Ethics for Government workers
c. WHO, DOH, LGU policies on Health
d. Local Government Code
e. Issues

V. Personal and Professional Development

a. Self-assessment of CHN competencies, importance, methods, tools
b. Strategies and methods of updating one’s self, enhancing competence in community health nursing and related areas

Part II : MCN - Maternal and Child Nursing

I. Safe and Quality Care, Health Education and Communication, Collaboration and Teamwork
a. Principles and Theories of Growth and Development
b. Nursing Care in the different stages of Growth and Development including
1. Nutrition
2. Safety
3. Language development
4. Discipline
5. Play
6. Immunization
7. Anticipatory Guidance
8. Values formation
c. Human Sexuality and Reproduction including Family Planning
d. Nursing Care of Women during Normal Labor, Delivery and Postpartum
e. Nursing Care of the Newborn
1. APGAR Scoring
2. Newborn Scoring
3. Maintenance of body processes (Oxygenation, temperature..)
f. Nursing Care of Women with complications of pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum period (High-risk conditions)
g. Nursing Care of High-risk Newborn
1. Prematurity
2. Congenital Defects
3. Infections
h. Nursing Care of Women with disturbances in reproduction and gynecology

II. Research and Quality Improvement
a. Fertility Statistics
b. Infant Morbidity and Mortality
c. Maternal Mortality
d. Standards of Maternal and child nursing practice

III. Ethico-Moral-Legal Responsibility
a. Socio-Cultural values, beliefs, and practices of individuals, families related to MCN
b. WHO, DOH, LGU policies on health of women and children
c. Family Code
d. Child and Youth Welfare Code
e. Issues related to MCN

IV. Personal and Professional Development
a. Self-assessment of MCN competencies, importance, methods, tools
b. Strategies and methods of updating one’s self, enhancing competence in MCN and relatede areas

Monday, June 16, 2008

Scope of Nursing Licensure Examination (Professional Regulation Commission Board of Nursing) Nursing Practice 1 (Part I)

Nursing Practice 1 Foundation of Professional Nursing Practice

Test Description:

Theories concepts, principles and process basic to the practice of nursing with emphasis on health promotion and health maintenance: It includes basic nursing skills in the care of clients across age groups in any setting.

Moreover, it encompasses the varied roles, functions and responsibilities of the professional nurse in varied health care settings.

Test Scope:

I. Personal and Professional Growth and Development

a. Historical perspective in nursing – Local and Foreign, just read, no need to memorize since the recent board exam does not include this anymore. Memorizing the dates will only consume a lot of time.

b. Nursing as a profession – This is part of the Professional adjustment subject. Understand the concept of profession and its definition in nursing.

c. Theoretical foundation of nursing applied in health care situations – Same advice, avoid memorizing the theories as much as possible, but also do not skip this part, since the questions that will appear in Test 1 will always be unpredictable. Just knowing the theories and the theorists will do well to you.

d. Continuing professional education – This topic is discussed in Venzon’s Professional Nursing in the Philippines. It is also termed as CPE. CPE is not a master degree, it is a requirement by the PRC for professionals, not only nurses, to acquire certain amount of units to have a continuing education to improve knowledge and to become updated in the field of career. Examples of CPE are seminars, training and etc.

e. Professional organizations in nursing – Much to the dismay of people who have studied this thoroughly, there were no single question asked in the 2008 board exam about the professional organization in nursing. Simply read the organizations, besides, learning the organizations will prove helpful after passing the board exam for your career as a nurse

f. The nurse in health care – This is much like in health care delivery system and the settings. Just read, this can be found in the Fundamentals by Kozier.

1. Eleven key areas of responsibilities – This is not asked directly, it’s like a summary of nursing practice. Don’t bother yourself trying to find this because it is incorporated in all the topics of foundation of nursing.

2. Fields of nursing – This is also not commonly asked, but understand and read the setting and fields of nursing from clinical, community, hospital, industrial and etc.

3. Roles and functions – Roles and functions are asked through questions related to nursing intervention, so just study the basic fundamentals of nursing.

II. Safe and Quality Care

a. The Nursing Process – If you still haven’t mastered the ADPIE, then read thoroughly, don’t worry too much, this is one of the easiest questions being asked.

b. Basic Nursing Skills
1. Admission and Discharge – Understand the common concepts in admission and discharge in the hospital setting

2. Vital Signs – Hopefully by know, you have memorized the normal values, you’ll never know if it will be asked. Do not stick to one source of value, try to compare as many values as you can and get the average. Have a review of the skills in taking the vital signs because the recent board exam are going back to basic and asks tricky questions. Do not underestimate this topic.

3. Physical Examination and Health Assessment – By understanding and reading thoroughly this skills in the Fundamentals of Nursing, by the time when you are studying for the Medical Surgical Nursing, it will be easier for you to review and less consumption of time. Again, commonly questions are going back to basic, so review skills that you may have forgotten. The BON really likes to pick questions which answers are found in the smallest corner of the book especially in the nursing procedure.

4. Administration of medications – If you feel like you have forgotten this topic, then read as much as possible. Sometimes, questions could be as simple but as tricky like asking which container must be injected with air first, either a vial or ampules. It’s just one of the questions that are appearing the recent board.

5. Asepsis and infection control – This will be a valuable start in preparation for Communicable Disease Nursing and Infectious Diseases. Don’t disregard simple and basic facts. Sometimes, questions could go like which protective garment must be removed first.

6. First aid measures – First aid measures is like an emergency or disaster nursing, common answers to this question, assess first for consciousness, (if looking unconscious or if situation suggests suspected head trauma), then follow the rules of ABC (airway, breathing, circulation). Never disregard this ABC fact, because sometime it might be tricky, as soon as you see check for airway for any obstruction, it’s like an automatic answer, unless if there is a question to assess for consciousness.

7. Wound Care – Same advice, if this seems like a thing of the past, the review and read the wound care chapter in your fundamental of nursing textbook.

8. Peri-operative Care – This part is also asked in test 3 of the NLE so review as early as possible for preparation. Some information are only found in the Fundamentals textbook, and some are only found in MS textbooks.

9. Post-mortem Care – Know this topic, BON really likes to ask questions that are very basic.
c. Measures to meet physiological needs – This 8 part of measures to meet physiological needs are the best preparation for Medical Surgical Nursing. It is important to recall the basic nursing skills and procedure.
1. Oxygenation
2. Nutrition
3. Activity, rest and sleep
4. Fluid and Electrolyte balance
5. Urinary elimination
6. Bowel elimination
7. Safety, comfort and hygiene
8. Mobility and immobility

III. Health Education – This is presented in questions as very hard, very tricky, or super easy. The only suggestion that I can give is that thoroughly study the nursing intervention of cases in MS.

a. Teaching and learning principles in the care of client
b. Health education in all levels of care
c. Discharge Planning

IV. Ethico-Moral Responsibility

a. Bioethical principles – These are all discussed either in Nursing Research, Prof Ad, or Nursing Ethics. Know each definition and understand the Informed Consent carefully. It is always important to secure an Informed Consent from patients for any invasive procedure (except for simple IV meds, chemotherapy and other complicated procedures always require an informed consent)
1. Beneficence
2. Non-malefescence
3. Justice
4. Autonomy
5. Stewardship
6. Truth telling
7. Confidentiality
8. Privacy
9. Informed Consent

b. Patient’s Bill of Rights – No need to memorize each line. Just understand the basic concept of bills of rights.
c. Code of Ethics in Nursing – Same as Patient’s Bill of Rights

V. Legal Responsibility – I’m am greatly suggesting that you take time to study this, because most often than not, the Board of Nursing has these trend of asking questions pertaining to Legal Responsibility. Reading the textbook by Venzon in Professional Nursing and Management towards Quality Care is not sufficient. The best thing to do is understand each concept and try find questions related to application of the legalities.

a. Legal Aspects in the practice of Nursing
b. The Philippine Nursing Law of 2002 (R.A 9173)
c. Related Laws affecting the practice of nursing

VI. Management of Environment and Resources

a. Theories and principles of management
b. Nursing administration and management
c. Theories, principles, and styles of leadership
d. Concepts and principles of organization
e. Patient care classifications
f. Nursing care systems
g. Delegation and accountability

VII. Records Management – This is part of the Prof Ad subject, don’t take for granted but don’t take too seriously, just read.

a. Anecdotal Report
b. Incident Report
c. Memorandum
d. Hospital Manual
e. Documentation
f. Endorsement and end-of-shift report
g. Referral

VIII. Quality Improvement – Understand Quality Assurance

a. Standards of Nursing practice
b. Nursing audit
c. Accreditation/certification in nursing practice
d. Quality assurance

IX. Research – As discussed in the Overview, it is important to focus on the different types of research and how they are being applied according to study subject. Research questions never fails to appear in one of the five sets of examination.

a. Problem identification
b. Ethics and science of research
c. The scientific approach
d. Research process
e. Research designs and methodology
1. Qualitative
2. Quantitative
f. Utilization and dissemination of research findings

X. Communication – One of the most important topic to be understood because NLE commonly asks questions relating to a conversation between a nurse and a client.

a. Dynamics of communication
b. Nurse-client relationship
c. Professional-professional relationship
d. Therapeutic use of self
e. Use of information technology

XI. Collaboration and Teamwork – Just read but do not take seriously, it has never been asked so far in the board exam, but it is better to be prepared.

a. Networking
b. Inter-agency partnership
c. Teamwork strategies
d. Nursing and partnership with other professions and agencies

Scope of Nursing Licensure Examination (Professional Regulation Commission Board of Nursing) Nursing Practice 1

Scope of Nursing Licensure Examination (Professional Regulation Commission Board of Nursing)

Nursing Practice 1 Foundation of Professional Nursing Practice

Test Description:

Theories concepts, principles and process basic to the practice of nursing with emphasis on health promotion and health maintenance: It includes basic nursing skills in the care of clients across age groups in any setting.

Moreover, it encompasses the varied roles, functions and responsibilities of the professional nurse in varied health care settings.

Test Scope:

I. Personal and Professional Growth and Development

a. Historical perspective in nursing – Local and Foreign, just read, no need to memorize since the recent board exam does not include this anymore. Memorizing the dates will only consume a lot of time.

b. Nursing as a profession – This is part of the Professional adjustment subject. Understand the concept of profession and its definition in nursing.

c. Theoretical foundation of nursing applied in health care situations – Same advice, avoid memorizing the theories as much as possible, but also do not skip this part, since the questions that will appear in Test 1 will always be unpredictable. Just knowing the theories and the theorists will do well to you.

d. Continuing professional education – This topic is discussed in Venzon’s Professional Nursing in the Philippines. It is also termed as CPE. CPE is not a master degree, it is a requirement by the PRC for professionals, not only nurses, to acquire certain amount of units to have a continuing education to improve knowledge and to become updated in the field of career. Examples of CPE are seminars, training and etc.

e. Professional organizations in nursing – Much to the dismay of people who have studied this thoroughly, there were no single question asked in the 2008 board exam about the professional organization in nursing. Simply read the organizations, besides, learning the organizations will prove helpful after passing the board exam for your career as a nurse.

f. The nurse in health care – This is much like in health care delivery system and the settings. Just read, this can be found in the Fundamentals by Kozier.

1. Eleven key areas of responsibilities – This is not asked directly, it’s like a summary of nursing practice. Don’t bother yourself trying to find this because it is incorporated in all the topics of foundation of nursing.

2. Fields of nursing – This is also not commonly asked, but understand and read the setting and fields of nursing from clinical, community, hospital, industrial and etc.

3. Roles and functions – Roles and functions are asked through questions related to nursing intervention, so just study the basic fundamentals of nursing.

II. Safe and Quality Care

a. The Nursing Process – If you still haven’t mastered the ADPIE, then read thoroughly, don’t worry too much, this is one of the easiest questions being asked.

b. Basic Nursing Skills
1. Admission and Discharge – Understand the common concepts in admission and discharge in the hospital setting

2. Vital Signs – Hopefully by know, you have memorized the normal values, you’ll never know if it will be asked. Do not stick to one source of value, try to compare as many values as you can and get the average. Have a review of the skills in taking the vital signs because the recent board exam are going back to basic and asks tricky questions. Do not underestimate this topic.

3. Physical Examination and Health Assessment – By understanding and reading thoroughly this skills in the Fundamentals of Nursing, by the time when you are studying for the Medical Surgical Nursing, it will be easier for you to review and less consumption of time. Again, commonly questions are going back to basic, so review skills that you may have forgotten. The BON really likes to pick questions which answers are found in the smallest corner of the book especially in the nursing procedure.

4. Administration of medications – If you feel like you have forgotten this topic, then read as much as possible. Sometimes, questions could be as simple but as tricky like asking which container must be injected with air first, either a vial or ampules. It’s just one of the questions that are appearing the recent board.

5. Asepsis and infection control – This will be a valuable start in preparation for Communicable Disease Nursing and Infectious Diseases. Don’t disregard simple and basic facts. Sometimes, questions could go like which protective garment must be removed first.

6. First aid measures – First aid measures is like an emergency or disaster nursing, common answers to this question, assess first for consciousness, (if looking unconscious or if situation suggests suspected head trauma), then follow the rules of ABC (airway, breathing, circulation). Never disregard this ABC fact, because sometime it might be tricky, as soon as you see check for airway for any obstruction, it’s like an automatic answer, unless if there is a question to assess for consciousness.

7. Wound Care – Same advice, if this seems like a thing of the past, the review and read the wound care chapter in your fundamental of nursing textbook.

8. Peri-operative Care – This part is also asked in test 3 of the NLE so review as early as possible for preparation. Some information are only found in the Fundamentals textbook, and some are only found in MS textbooks.

9. Post-mortem Care – Know this topic, BON really likes to ask questions that are very basic.
c. Measures to meet physiological needs – This 8 part of measures to meet physiological needs are the best preparation for Medical Surgical Nursing. It is important to recall the basic nursing skills and procedure.
1. Oxygenation
2. Nutrition
3. Activity, rest and sleep
4. Fluid and Electrolyte balance
5. Urinary elimination
6. Bowel elimination
7. Safety, comfort and hygiene

8. Mobility and immobility

III. Health Education – This is presented in questions as very hard, very tricky, or super easy. The only suggestion that I can give is that thoroughly study the nursing intervention of cases in MS.

a. Teaching and learning principles in the care of client
b. Health education in all levels of care
c. Discharge Planning

Tips and Advice: Good Study Habits

Here’s a short list of some tips and advice how to develop Good Study Habits and how to enhance learning capacity.

  1. Prayers – Prayers is the first thing and the most important thing to do when studying. Some people take this for granted. But eventually, you’ll realize that God always you to understand topics. Pray and have faith. In my time when I was reviewing, I will start my day usually by praying the Holy Rosary.

  1. Read and Understand – Never underestimate the power of reading. Some suggests that for a person to better comprehend the words that he or she is reading, it is better to read aloud the words but not to a point that you do not understand what you are saying. It is an established fact that reading and listening are effective method of learning.

  1. Develop Good vocabulary in Medical Terms and English Terms – This is the most disregarded thing being done by students. Actually, it is better to acquire a medical dictionary as early as during your first year or second year because it will always be used specially during the time when NCM is on the way. It is not advised to buy the most expensive dictionary there is, sometimes, you can find a cheap dictionary like Churchill which costs less than 100. Also aside from medical terms, if you feel like English is your weakness, then do something on it. Nobody learn how to speak and understand English overnight. It takes a lot of patience and experience and since majority of nursing students plans to go abroad, it is an essential and valuable instrument to be used when interacting with foreign clients. Even in the board exam, the unfamiliarity of the word always leads to failure to answer correctly. I repeat, word, meaning either English or Medical term. So it’s a win-win situation if you start opening the dictionary to expand your vocabulary. Personally, for me, encountering the word twice in reading always prove to be effective to me.

  1. Sleep within 6 to 8 hours as much as possible and take a break – Our minds are incapable of functioning well 24/7. If you deprive yourself sleep and rest, words that you are reading will only stay for a short-term memory. Meaning, you might remember it overnight, but not for the rest of your life. Some people have good memory, but people don’t. Adequate sleep and rest is one factor in contributing to develop good memory.

  1. Attach papers with hard to remember stuffs in nursing – For some people, they find it effective posting values and terminologies on a piece of paper in walls, near switch, in the comfort room. They say that it is effective way to retain the words written all over around the person.

  1. Time management – Time management is always important in almost every aspect in our life. In studying, it is advised to formulate a time-table, or just a schedule of studying. Assess how many minutes or hours does it take you to finish a chapter or a 10 page. Then try to count chapters or pages of the next topic you will study. Through this way, you will be able to anticipate the ample time in your review, therefore you will be able to create an effective time-schedule.

  1. If reading, sleeping, time management does not work – If everything fails for you, it’s either you are a very gifted child with a wonderful memory that once you hear, it stays, or nursing is not for you. As early as possible, assess yourself if nursing is the right thing for you. There is no wonder book that will provide you a quick understanding of nursing. Do not get discouraged; rather try to find alternatives that will suit you. Try to invite your friends for group review. For some, it is more effective if they are with someone. Every individual has each own pattern of studying. One thing is for sure, nerdy type of studying is not recommended. Covering your face with textbooks everyday all the time will only result to burning yourself out. It is not bad to take a break, if you drink, then drink, if you smoke then smoke, do not change the pattern of your lifestyle, just modify it for the time being so that in the end, you will be able to achieve a good learning habit but not putting an imbalance in your lifestyle.

  1. Develop motivating thoughts – Saying to yourself that you will top the board exam is one effective way. Achieving to top the board may seem impossible, but with dedication and patience, you’ll never know. By having motivating thoughts, you will have a sufficient drive to study; this will decrease your lack of interest. Other example thoughts, taking the board exam is like one final and big exam, do not waste your 4 year hardship. Think of it as studying for the last time. Like I’ve said, after reviewing thoroughly, the time that you will study for NCLEX, it will be easier for you to understand and remember the topics.

  1. Sample questions – After learning to develop a good study habit, one important thing that you must be reminded is that it is very important to answer sample questions. Make it a point that after studying a certain topic or subject, find sample questions with rationale, because in the board exam, it is valuable to be familiar with questions and the ways choices seem like the same. By reading many questions as much as possible, you are not only developing your academic intelligence, but also your intensive critical thinking skills and analysis.

Review and Study guide for the Philippine Nursing Board Exam

Time is very essential in reviewing topics for the board exam. The board of nursing never fails to surprise the takers with their never heard and never seen in textbooks questions. If you are equipped with broad knowledge of all the nursing topics, then most likely than not, you have a great change to pass the board exam. Like for the June 2008 board exam, there were 6 items related to Nursing Informatics, which I bet was never discussed in any college or university offering Nursing. This nursing informatics can be read at the first chapters of Fundamentals of Nursing by Kozier.

The reason why time is very important is because with enough time, you’ll surely be able to study all the nursing topics. What’s most important is that you have an idea to all topics from Fundamentals to Pyschiatric Nursing. The greatest advantage of learning and refreshing the nursing topics is that you will also be using this knowledge when you take the NCLEX or even when you apply for a nursing job after passing the board. Never think it’s a waste of time reading nursing topics. Later on, you’ll appreciate everything you have read.

Here is a brief summary or overview of what should be learned in the course of your study:

  1. Foundation of Nursing - The best source is no other than the Fundamentals of Nursing by Kozier et al. The board of nursing provides questions most commonly related to nursing skills which can be found in the book. Aside from it, you can also read the book Mastering Fundamentals of Nursing by Udan. The most valuable knowledge in this textbook is the historical background of nursing, because it includes a detailed explanation of the history of nursing in the Philippines, which obviously not discussed by Kozier.
  2. Professional Adjustment - The only textbook so far that contains a detailed explanation of the Professional Adjustment in the Philippines is the Professional Nursing in the Philippines by Lydia Venzon. But from the recent board exam (2008), questions are very hard and it almost took 50% of test 1 together with the leadership and management. It has been a spreading news that the BON is following the pattern of NCLEX questions, and from my own experience, some questions I’ve read from NCLEX reviewer software like Saunders do provide questions similar from what appeared in the board examination.
  3. Leadership and Management - Like professional adjustment, the only textbook that provides an explanation of leadership and mostly management, is from the textbook Nursing Management towards Quality Care by Lydia Venzon. Like what I’ve said previously from Prof Ad, questions are not directly found in the textbook, it’s a combination of critical thinking and proper selection of choices for you to be able to have a correct answer. Also, most of the questions are really patterned from the NCLEX reviewer software. From the 2008 questions, I roughly estimate that almost 45% of the entire tests contains questions related to leadership and management. Personally, I do not favor to this much questioning, because from what I know, Nursing Licensure Examination measures the competency level of the novice nurses (meaning fresh graduate). It’s quite irritating to know that the Board of Nursing provides questions that measure the competency level of Proficient and Expert level like Head nurses or Chief Nurses, as if students will be automatically promoted. But nevertheless, better be equipped with information.
  4. Nursing Research - The most reliable source of nursing research is the textbook or e-book Nursing Research, Principles and Methods by Polit and Beck. I will be providing you a link later on where to download this e-book. Although the book provides a detailed explanation of nursing research, what’s important is that you will read the summary of every chapter because they almost contain the keywords of Nursing research. One piece of advice is that you should study thoroughly the different types of research like (Qualitative and Quantitative) and what are it’s subtypes, also some of the major purposes of Review of Related Literature, or Theoretical Framework. Do not memorize the definition, rather understand how it is being used, and try to find as much as example (in the textbook I’ve mentioned, it contained specific examples of Nursing research topics) because it’s the most common questions being asked.
  5. Maternal and Child Nursing - As disappointing as it was, but from the 2008 board exam, MCN was like disregarded in the Test 2. Review centers and reviewers most often than not suggests memorizing the Developmental Milestone of Growth and Development, Pediatric Illnesses, Maternal Complications and the like. You’ll really never know what questions awaits you. The key to answering the questions is not by memorizing, but rather by understanding. Understanding in the sense that no matter how the words are used, no matter how jumbled or rambled the questions or topics are, you have a significant idea of it. We will never know if the next board exam will do the same or will have a great change. When studying MCHN think of it as a knowledge being planted for future harvest (like NCLEX or if you plan to work on OBMaternal and Child Health Nursing by Adelle Pilitteri Volume 1, and a little information from Volume 2, and from my surprise, the Lippincott review series of Pediatric Nursing provided me with enough information in pediatric nursing that I was able to answer the 5 to 6 questions in the board exam with confidence (because if my memory serves me right, there less than 10 questions in Pediatric Nursing, feel free to correct me) ward, Pediatric Ward, or PICU). I will still suggest reading and understanding the entire concepts of MCHN. The best sources would be
  6. Community Health Nursing - Personally, this subject is one of my hated subjects in nursing, (not because I do not like working in the community but because of the lack in sources) because from the previous board examination, I cannot remember any significant question related to CHN. There are two textbooks that can be used, the latest 10th edition of Public Health nursing and the 9th edition of Community Health Nursing in the Philippines, (which surprisingly, the latest edition doesn’t contain all the topics from the 9th edition). Like I’ve said, we will never know how the BON will provide questions, so therefore the best thing to do is to read. But here’s the best suggestion I can give, don’t waste your time memorizing the history of Public Health Nursing, or any history, also all of the Republic Acts and the like, because from three previous board examinations, these are not being asked anymore. Focus on the immunizations, communicable diseases, (don’t waste your time reading the non-communicable as well because you will definitely encounter these topics in the Medical Surgical Nursing)
  7. Medical Surgical Nursing - This time, contrary to what is told that the there are common diseases being asked in the board exam, actually, again it’s surprisingly not true because, based on my experience, the BON have changed their trend in making questions, Test 3 is the most disorganized, not well-thought, and insufficient questions I’ve ever encountered in my entire career of nursing. Then here comes Test 4 which provides a very different type of questions which are challenging but not covering somehow the broad spectrum of Medical Surgical Nursing. The most common questions were all related to Operating Room nurses and it is said that the questions are patterned from the Philippine General Hospital’s guidelines and policy because the some BON are products of PGH. Just a comment, questions related to OR are really old-fashioned as if the latest trends and technology in the Nursing field are disregarded. Question about what is the color of oxygen tank was again asked. Again the main point in studying Medical Surgical Nursing is to understand the concepts. It is very important to have a basic knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of every system in the body because it will serve as the basic tool in understanding the pathophysiology or disease process. The two best textbook resources are Brunner and Sudarth’s Textbook in Medical Surgical Nursing by Smeltzer and Bare and the Medical Surgical Nursing by Udan. Udan’s textbook will serve as a good summary when you review the topics discussed in the Brunner. If you have plenty of time to review, it is best to understand concepts chapter by chapter because this will prove helpful when you plan to take the NCLEX.
  8. Psychiatric Nursing - The best suggestion I can give is that you must have in psychiatric nursing is that you should understand very well the therapeutic communication especially in psych patients. Aside from the fact that you will be able to use this in test 5 but also it always appears from test 1 to test 4 of the nursing licensure examination. You don’t need to bother yourself by memorizing all the psychiatric drugs, you just have to know what the use of the drug and for disorders is, again, the key point is understanding the concept. So far, the only resources I’ve come to encounter is Psychiatric Nursing by Shiela Videbeck

Everyday I will try to update this blog so that I can cater the common topics and sample questions to nursing students. The best advice in studying the nursing topics is thorough reading. Do not memorize, understand. If it came to a point in which it becomes hard to understand the topics, pray and find a solution.

Nursing Board Exam in the Philippines

Well, I'm just a new graduate from University of Perpetual Help Sytem Dalta - Las Piñas and just took the June Board Exam obviously waiting for the results of the exam.

I just reviewed by myself because personally I really do not believe in what the review centers are offering the nursing students. Probably it's just an old habit of mine that when I feel something's wrong, regardless of its popularity, I will stand by what I believe in. Although some people might really feel the intense need of a review center because of their personal beliefs, still I stand by my decision and hopefully, the results of the June Board exam will prove my principles.

Here are the factors why I personally favor self-review.

1. I control my time - Rationale Unlike when you are reviewing in Manila, either you are near the review center (so it won't really bother you), you have to rent a boarding room for 2 months, or you have to go back and forth which really consumes a lot of your precious time. Example, if you have a traveling time from your house to the review center of 1 to 2 hours, then you will attend an 8-hour lecture, therefore, 10 to 12 hours of your day is consumed, and you'll be so tired when you arrive home disabling you to study further, but if your just in your room studying, you can wake up at around 7, take your breakfast, and review from 8, then take you lunch and dinner for 2 hours, watch tv or do anything else for 2 hours, and review up to 12 mn, so you'll have like 12 to 14 hours to review which is way better.

2. I can study anything, if not everything, by using my textbooks and the internet - Rationale Review centers will discuss what was common in the previous board examinations, for example, surely Congestive Heart Failure will be thoroughly discussed because it usually appears in the questions in the board exam, and other topics which were not common in the exam will not be discussed properly. June 2008 did not contain any questions related to CHF. By self-reviewing, with enough time, I will be able to understand and read all the nursing topics provided in the textbooks.

3. I have my own leisure time - Rationale I'm a kind of person who needs time to relax, so when I feel the need to stop reading or reviewing, I'll just open the television and watch my favorite shows, or rather, I can just ask my friends to have a little party (like drinking! :-) )

4. I am able to pray and go to church everyday - Rationale I also believe that in passing the board exam, intelligence is not the main factor, but it is combined with a strong faith in God. I strongly believe and have faith that through God, nothing is impossible.

5. Since I am blessed with a personal computer (but not with a dsl), I am able to find a lot of resources in the web - Rationale You will be able to find a lot of study materials in the web and tips and suggestions on where to focus and how to have a good study habit and etc. And believe me, you can find a Brunner and Sudarth's Medical Surgical Nursing 10th edition (colored edition) in a lot of websites. So imagine a lot of books you can download and study.

That's why I created this blog to help nursing students in proper guidance towards their review for the board examination in the Philippines. I will try to gather all the websites which will be useful for studying the board and at the same time, studying for the 4-year course of BSN.

Just a small piece of advise, in order to become a great nurse, one must equip self with complete knowledge of nursing practice, and reading is one of the best method of learning. One cannot say to himself I hate reading, try to start a habit of reading. If you find it difficult to comprehend or understand difficult medical terms or even english terms, either purchase a dictionary or rely in the internet. :)